SURUS: la piattaforma a idrogeno e autonoma di GM

A rendering of the Silent Utility Rover Universal SuperstructureA rendering of the Silent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure

A rendering of the Silent Utility Rover Universal SuperstructureA rendering of the Silent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure

Credits: panels and power generators to show the potential of flexible fuel cell solutions. SURUS was designed to form a foundation for a family of commercial vehicle solutions that leverages a single propulsion system integrated into a common chassis.

The Silent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure (SURUS) platfoThe Silent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure (SURUS) platfo

Credits: The Silent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure (SURUS) platform is a flexible fuel cell electric platform with autonomous capabilities. SURUS was designed to form a foundation for a family of commercial vehicle solutions that leverages a single propulsion system integrated into a common chassis.

The Silent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure (SURUS) platfoThe Silent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure (SURUS) platfo

The Silent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure (SURUS) platfoThe Silent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure (SURUS) platfo

Credits: The Silent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure (SURUS) platform is a flexible fuel cell electric platform with autonomous capabilities. SURUS was designed to form a foundation for a family of commercial vehicle solutions that leverages a single propulsion system integrated into a common chassis.

The Silent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure (SURUS) platfoThe Silent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure (SURUS) platfo

Credits: platform with autonomous capabilities. The water hose and bottle demonstrate potential water creation capability from water vapor exhaust.

Silent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure (SURUS) platform iSilent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure (SURUS) platform i

Credits: Silent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure (SURUS) platform is a flexible fuel cell electric platform with autonomous capabilities. The Exportable Power Takeoff (EPTO) feature demonstrates how high-voltage DC from the fuel cell stack could be converted to both high- and low-voltage AC to power tools or equipment.

Silent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure (SURUS) platform iSilent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure (SURUS) platform i

Credits: Silent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure (SURUS) platform is a flexible fuel cell electric platform with autonomous capabilities. The hydrogen refueling port demonstrates the potential for rapid refueling with long-range capability.


In occasione della riunione autunnale dell’Association of the United States Army, General Motors ha presentato un’inedita piattaforma elettrica flessibile a celle di combustibile e a guida autonoma, denominata SURUS (Silent Utility Rover Universal Superstructure).

L’idea è quella di utilizzare questa piattaforma a scopi militari, soprattutto per affrontare le sfide di trasporto in caso di disastri naturali. SURUS sfrutta il nuovo sistema di celle a combustibile Hydrotec di GM, possiede capacità di guida autonoma e componenti del telaio in grado di garantire alte prestazioni e zero emissioni.

Tra i vantaggi di questa piattaforma GM elenca la silenziosità, l’assenza di odori, le alte doti in off-road, la disponibilità di una coppia elevata in qualsiasi circostanza, la capacità di produrre acqua e tempi di rifornimento rapidi.

Inoltre questa architettura è completamente configurabile e può essere usata per il trasporto di container o strutture mediche, come anche di passeggeri.

Per quanto riguarda il powertrain, che è un’evoluzione del Fuel Cell 2.0 di GM, conta su serbatoi di idrogeno posizionati al centro del pianale e che alimentano i due motori elettrici – uno per asse – che a loro volta danno impulso alle 4 ruote sterzanti. Il tutto per un’autonomia di 640 km.

L’articolo SURUS: la piattaforma a idrogeno e autonoma di GM proviene da Panoramauto.


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